Urban Farms Harvest

Posted on 10/28/2010 by The Bridge

Pardon the pun, but our urban farm collaboration with the New York Horticultural Society continues to grow!  In addition to collaborating on our headquarters roof deck, this year we had two farms in full operation, on Morris Avenue in the Bronx and on East 111th Street in Manhattan.  While the Horticultural Society provides the technical assistance, the work is carried out by our Green Team, which now involves more than a dozen Bridge clients.  The variety of vegetables has been expanding and now includes several varieties of squash, eggplant, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, green peppers, collards, lavender and a number of herbs.  

The bounty was so great this year that, in addition to using the products at our own residences, we sold some at a greenmarket in the Bronx.  The proceeds of the sale are being used to buy supplies and cover other costs for next year’s planting.   

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