Full Time Nurse Services Aids Mental Illness Recovery

Posted on 11/25/2010 by The Bridge

Full time nurse services are one of the contributing factors to a wholly innovative approach on mental illness recovery at the Bridge. There is a long list of things that make The Bridge totally unique in the field of mental health, and Suzanne Calvert, RN is one of them. She is full time on staff and works with clients living in all 11 Bridge residence houses.

The primary goal is to help empower clients to take charge of their own health. The majority of her time is spent seeing clients in the community residences for extra support because these clients are in charge of their own doctor appointments and medications. She also works with clients in apartment treatment, graduate housing and individual scatter-site apartments.

Suzanne’s biggest roles are as an educator on good health practices, and communications liaison with residence and case managers about specific client needs. As part of the full time nurse services, Suzanne will go to doctor appointments with clients acting as their patient advocate to aid communication, and put an action plan in place after the visit. Suzanne also holds information sessions during community group meetings at the residences on various topics such as diabetes care, high blood pressure, and smoking issues.

Full time nurse services allow The Bridge to offer treatment for mental illness recovery that is inclusive of the physical wellbeing of clients. This can decrease client dependence on emergency room services, catch early warning signs, and keep the health of the clients on track. 

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